Monday, August 20, 2007

Unguarded Flank

I think I've finally figured America out. I really hadn't given this aspect of the country much thought, but I've been able to see beyond the veneer lately. First of all, this place was founded by some not so nice guys. Or at least guys who could say all that all men are created equal nonsense but justify slavery. If that doesn't give you insight on either a mental illness or a duplicitous mindset that can't be trusted, I don't know what does.

America is a country that has laws against people who are here to be preyed upon. The laws are to keep us commoners from doing what is necessary to those who are exploiting us (i.e. whip their naturally lazy asses). That's why when a crime is committed against you-for instance your wife steals $5449 from you, or your ex-girlfriend steals $15,000 of your video editing equipment, the law has nothing for you. In neither of these instances was anyone arrested nor charged with anything. Aren't these crimes? If I stole $100 from 7-11, wouldn't they stick me under Bubba who's under the jail? If I steal a candy bar from Stater Bros. I'm charged with a misdemeanor and sentenced to something. Yet an individual can experience a loss that is 10,000 more than the cost of a candy bar and all they will hear from Law Enforcement is, "Well sir, that's a civil matter. Ain't shit civil about that!! Arrest somebody, damnit!

I going to have to read more up on that citizen's arrest thing. From what I understand, you can make a citizen's arrest and have somebody's narrow (or wide in the case of most of my dates) ass arrested on the spot. You all better be careful. I'm gonna citizen arrest just about everybody who looks at me sideways! "Officer, arrest that man!" I can see it now. They'll have to build jails to accommodate the folks I'm throwing in the slammer **News Flash!!** GREAT BLACK CITIZEN MAKES 100TH ARREST! HE'S ON A ROLL!!

Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself here. I guess the point I'm trying to make is I've never gotten much help from the police when a crime was committed against me, but ohhhhh....don't let me look sideways at someone else... it's the matching bracelet hour. This place is so crazy, I don't think we even see how nutty we've become. It's because we use us to measure us. Great corporations benchmark against other great corporations-they don't compare themselves to themselves-that's stupid. You'll always look good! We need to benchmark our social programs, economic programs, our political systems and systems of government with other progressive industrial nations. Not find something about them we don't like and say, "Oh those British pay almost 50% of their income in taxes." Not realizing a lot of the money goes into social programs to keep people healthy. Opposed to what we do here..dumping our indigent populace on skid row.

I guess I've ranted enough-time to head to the gym and punish myself.


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