Friday, August 24, 2007

Tagged!! (Damnit)

My dear friend Peculiar Virtue has dragged me kicking and screaming into this 8 things you should know about me but I shouldn't have to tell you game and being a sport, I'm going to participate. But I'm letting the jury know that I should be considered a hostile witness.

Thing number....

1. I'm a talented song writer and when I write a song I like, I listen to it over and over again until I tire of it (listening to one now)
2. I love Q-tips! I liken the experience to sex! Ok, maybe not that good but pretty damn close
3. I once had sex with a Chinese woman that spoke absolutely no english and I speak no Chinese (go figure)
4. Most of my friends are from other countries-Americans annoy me
5. Most people who meet me for the first time think I'm 20 years younger than I am (could it be a behavioral association?)
6. I have a haunting fear of needles and snakes-I'd prefer to cut myself and give blood than have you stick me with a needle
7. I'm in touch with my feminine side but I'm as heterosexual as a male could be
8. I'm truly a mama's boy and won't ever be much else

There-I hope you're satisfied Peculiar Virtue. You Virgin Islanders always get your way ;-)

I'm going to hit One Whirl, Syscovison, Rlawrence, BBGG13, Jade123 ('cause she's hot and a great actress), RIPrince ('cause he's my son and I love him like the air I breathe), and I'll think of some other unfortunate souls to annoy.

Ciao Bella!


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