Monday, September 10, 2007

Are You Really a Prince?

People ask me this all the time.

"Prince," they say, "Are you really a Prince?"
"Of course I am." I respond. "I'm the Prince of Know Where?"
"Where the hell is that?" they ask.
"I am asking you. Know Where?"
"Well if you're a Prince, how come you don't know where?"
"Who said I didn't?" I retort.
"You did. You asked me if I knew where."
"If I ask you if you know where my house is, does that mean I don't know where it is?"
"That's different."
"How so?"
"Well everyone knows where their house is."
"How about an alzheimer's patient?" I ask.
"That's different." they say.
"How come everything's different? Is there anything the same in your book?"
"Like what?" I ask.
"I don't know. What does this have to do with my initial question?"
"Which was?" I ask.
"Are you really a Prince?"
"Of course I am, silly. I'm the Prince of Know where."
"And where the hell is that?"
"You tell me." I say.
"So you don't know, do you?"
"No, you don't know, otherwise you would have said so."
"This is going no where."
"Of which I am the Prince. See you do know."
"Don't talk to me."



Phoenix said...

Okay, alright! I believe you. YOU REALLY ARE A PRINCE.

Raymond said...

I respect the dude for the tenacity to keep prodding!! I'd have sucker punched you after the third question!! PRINCE that's tiring!! I would have gone for the simpler "Tick YES or NO"-approach