Monday, September 25, 2006

What's It Like?

I came home today for lunch and looked at my wife sitting on the couch. I spoke and she barely nodded her head. I began to think, "What's it like to come home to a woman that's happy to see you?" I don't what that's like-can't say that I ever have (that I can remember). It's best to be alone, I think.

When my youngest daughter stays with me, it feels good when I come home because she greets me at the door with the biggest "DADDY" that a man could ever want. I have to say that it's the highlight of my day. The joys of fatherhood are worth all the shit I put up with her Mom. My wife is not a very happy person generally. Me, I'm always happy. Always smiling, always laughing, and this place is such a downer. I really would like to see it change, but I guess deep down inside, I know it won't.

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