Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cory Booker for President!

This is the black man who ALL black me should pattern themselves after. Hey, I know he avoids double-negatives, sagging pants, and the bottles of Cristal, but he is we should strive to be. If you get a chance, check out Street Fight, a film documenting his unsuccessful mayoral bid in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Four years later he returned to defeat the corrupt incumbent Sharpe James. Mayor Booker moved into one of the worse housing projects in Newark, Brick Towers, and lived there for 8 years. A former suburbanite, and graduate of Stanford and Yale school of law, Mayor Booker lived amongst the people whom he has now been helping as mayor.

Folks say Mayor Booker wasn't black enough. I hope we stop that nonsense talk. As Mayor, Cory has reduced the crime rate in Newark by 70%-that's not a typo people, 70%. He struck a deal with local businesses asking that they hire ex-cons if the city trained them and gave them the basic skills to become employable. He is truly one of the best of us and we should all strive to be more like him.

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