The European birthrate has been declining for decades and, according to scientists, they've dipped dangerously close to unreplenishing levels (in other words no matter what they do, they won't be able to stem the declining numbers and they'll continue to plummet until the inevitable occurs). While discussing this, it occurred to me that monogamy might be a contributing factor to this decline. I'm about to go out on a tangent here but if you stay with me, my logic will eventuallly make sense. When a man ejaculates, he releases millions of sperm. It was once believed that those sperm were competing for the opportunity to fertilize the one female egg, but scientist have determined that isn't the actual role of all sperm. Some are there to fight bacteria that may exist in the womb; others have duties that may have nothing to do with fertilizing the egg but are essential to the reproduction process. What does all of this have to do with polygamy? Patience my patients.
Just like sperm, not every male (and female for that matter) is designed to reproduce. If nature had her way, only the strongest would procreate meaning the weakest genes would be eliminated and what you'd have left are the best that humans can produce. Nowadays even the mentally challenged are allowed to reproduce. I know this sounds really close to my advocating a Eugenics program and in a way, I guess that I am-but it's nature's version of Eugenics, (and no one can do it better than she can).
Now to polygamy (and I thank you for your patience). The beauty of polygamy is only the alpha males are going to be able to reproduce. That could very well mean the physically superior, or it could mean a combination of both the physcally and mentally superior; nature has a weird way of sorting this thing out. We all know that it requires a certain level of intelligence to survive in the wild. If you're the type of animal that doesn't pay attention to your surroundings, you've just become some other animal's dinner. Away you go, along with your failure-to-pay-attention dumb gene. When born in the wild, if you don't get on your feet and sprint like your life depended on it (because in the wild it does) you're a fresh snack for some predator-and your weak gene has relegated you to the lower end of the food chain.
I know I haven't really packaged this as neatly as I could have, but I'm definetly no scholar-I'm just an (above) average joe with a blog. What I'm trying to say is monogamy means practically everyone gets a mate and weak genes are propagated at an alarming rate. Not to mention the fact that we create laws which protect idiots from there own idiocy. If you can't figure out how to cross the street without getting hit, that shouldn't be the fault of the guy who's on his way home from work, doing the speed limit and you happen to run out in front of him. Not only will he be penalized in some fashion, he may now be hit with civil suit. Your dumb gene needed to be eliminated. But I digress. Polygamy means the strongest will reproduce. And the alpha male will attract the best of the best to procreate with.
Those of you who know me know that I have a lazy right eye. An official Eugenics program would have mandated I be sterilized or worse yet, put to death. So I think you know I wouldn't advocate an institution that would in some way harm me. This is why I am against Eugenics when man has a say. I am, however, an advocate of nature's Eugenics program. This program very well means that I might have been relegated to the non-reproductive bunch-but then again nature blessed me with many talents so I doubt it very seriously.
If they are die-hards against polygamy then I have another suggestion-have all of the fertile white women inter-breed with those who have stronger genes. What's that I smell? Fire? Is someone burning an effigy of me? You guys-surely you jest! Bu seriously, how different is that from corporate mergers and acquisitions?
Anyway, I know I'm going to get flame-torched for this post, but I'm just trying to help Europe with her problem, that's all.
1 comment:
Firstie! Interesting. Instead of polygamy, increased sperm banks and donation from the alpha male be mandatory.
Who ever imagined this would be a problem????Tell that to China.
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