Saturday, July 29, 2006

(C)ash (R)ules (E)verything (A)round (M)e (C.R.E.A.M.)

I had to have a heart-to-heart with the wife this morning about not handling her responsiblities. She's been driving for over 3 years without a driver's license and refuses to go get it. She got a DUI about 4 years ago. She went to all of her classes (of which I was very proud and thought that she was finally maturing), but never took the certificate down to renew her license. I didn't complain too much when she was driving her own car, but since her car broke down, (and she refuses to do anything to get it fixed) she drives my truck and I'm extremely concerned about her getting pulled over. Everytime I mention that she needs to get her driver's license, it turns into this super-huge argument. I can't see anywhere in this discussion where I am wrong. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I just don't understand female logic. How is it that I am putting myself at risk to allow you to drive my vehicle without a license but I am wrong for asking you to get your driver's license?

In my previous posts (on that deleted blog), I mentioned the fact that we should be allowed to hit stupid people in the head with a brick anytime they do something extremely stupid. And arguing with someone that is allowing you to get around in their car when you don't have one and you have no license is pretty stupid (**SMACK**). But what also deserves a (**SMACK**) is allowing someone who doesn't have a driver's license to drive your car. So we both deserve smacks today.

I guess I'm just at my wits end with this woman. She's not ready for primetime. I told her today that if she isn't ready to be an adult to go back home to mama because I can't raise her anymore. There wasn't a lot of arguing and ridiculousness in my house when I was growing up. We pretty much raised ourselves while my mother worked and we had rules of engagement. Sometimes we fought (physically), but there wasn't much nonsense. We were pretty intelligent and always worked through our problems.

I guess I take for granted that we were raised, or raised ourselves with order. Not everyone was (including my wife who was unfortunate to be raised by a child herself). My wife's mother had her at 15 and it is rumored that my wife's younger sister is the daughter of her very own grandfather. Now I don't know if it's true, but one thing I can tell you is that the grandfather was an alcoholic of record proportions and he drank himself to death-my wife's sister is the exact same way. My wife has a light complection and her sister is darker. They are both Mexican, but my wife has very white skin like her mother and father and her sister has extremely dark (Indian) skin (like her grandfather).

I don't know how I ended up affiliated with a wife from such a messed up family, but I did and to think that if I just avoided the extended family everything would be alright was foolish on my part. They've crept in via her mentality. She is them. We've separated once before, and when we did, I should have stayed away because nothing has gotten any better. She's changed some but I've come to the conclusion that she would have to go through another whole entire childhood in order to be productive.

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