Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bored To Tears

There isn't much going on at work today. I've made all of my calls to my clients and it's only 9:23 a.m. and I have to be here 'til 5pm. My boss is in China and, although I have a few things to do, if I do them now, I'll really be bored and won't have anything to do for the rest of the day.

I'm listening to KPFK but in 30 minutes they play international music. Although I'm a music lover, banging tambourines from Sri Lanka isn't exactly my idea of listening pleasure. No offense to anyone from Sri Lanka-I love the way you put S before the R without the supportive E vowel. It just rolls off the tongue in a sexy way. Sri.

You know I'm bored when I'm writing complete paragraphs about the word Sri. I would like to add a quote that I thought of the other morning. I don't know if I read it somewhere or not but I believe it's original. Read below:


Again, like I said, there's a possibility I read that somewhere a long time ago, and it's now, like the husk of popcorn wedged between ones tooth and gum, has worked it's way up to my consciousness.

I think it's a rather profound quote. I think that so many of our conversations are just useless babble. I think people are uncomfortable speaking about topics that they aren't well versed in. And when the intellects amongst us begin to speak, we shy away. Most of my conversations are laced with some manner of teaching. I believe it's simply sharing information-but isn't that the same as teaching? It doesn't matter if the information is accurate-the sharing of information is a form of teaching. I will take it a step further and say that one should teach righteously and accurately, but the basics of teaching are neutral. One can learn positive behaviors just as easily a they can learn negative or damaging behaviors. That is why it is extremely critical to this government that they mandate what is taught in public schools. We learn watered down history because if you truly knew how this country was formed, you wouldn't feel so good about yourself. I'm rambling.

Anyway, I'm going back to work.


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