Sunday, August 13, 2006

Call Me Old Testament

I've never revealed this in my new blog because it was one of the reasons that I was viciously attacked in my last blog-I don't believe in monogamy. Yes, I'm married, but I'm not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, monogamous. I've accepted that fact about myself, my wife has accepted it about me, and I don't see why others wouldn't just let 2 (or soon to be 3) consenting adults be who they are without scrutiny. Personally, I'm just old testament. It's in me. I'm no different than Solomon, Abraham, or David. Well there's a slight difference, I'm not a king...I'm a Prince....of Know Where? Seriously, I received so much hate mail-like I was molesting children or something. No-I'm molesting grown consenting women, and if you have a problem with that, you need to check your motives for lambasting me.

The good thing about polygamy is that there's one less woman on the street trying to get your man. We know that there are more women in the world than men. Not to mention the fact that men die earlier, plus wars deplete the supply; jail and drugs; poverty. What are these women supposed to do, go without male companionship? We seriously need to reevaluate our social beliefs. What kills me is when the Bush supporting, right-wing, christian (sic) moral-majority decide that war is good-they don't look at the end result of war. Men come back unsuitable (if they come back at all) for stable relationships. War corrodes and contaminates the mind and spirit. When you are forced to commit atrocities that conflict with the human spirit, it's hard to come back to a society that knows absolutely nothing about what you've gone through and what you've seen. You almost become envious of those around you because you've seen a world that the majority of us never even knew existed. Yeah, we hear about it, but we don't live it. So the christian right, moral-majority don't mind war and the killing and maiming of soldiers (both foreign and domestic) but when it creates a dearth of available males for the women in your population, you don't have a solution for this problem. You'd rather just ignore it, or accept as a necessary evil that single women will entice an attached or married man to creep. And when he gets caught, you vilify him as an infidel. What's poor Suzy down at the plant supposed to do? The recruiters have swept through and tricked most of her contemporaries into enlisting into combat, the ones that do come back aren't suitable-but there's the stable and married manager, Bill in manufacturing. Suzy needs a man and society has failed to provide her with one.

So what does she do? Entices Bill into an affair. I know, I know, Bill's supposed to be strong-he took vows, remember? But that was 10 years ago and Suzy's mini-skirt with the split up to her collar bone is standing right before him and his mind simply cannot function properly. Nature immediately steps in and says, "Now Bill, the only reason you are here is to procreate, NOW GET TO PROCREATING!! Brother Bill falls victim to his own nature (according to society) and now his caught in a trap. He loves Wendy, his loving wife, but there's no getting around the fact that Suzy needs love too! And where is she supposed to find it. Society has not provided for her. The preamble of the constitution specifically speaks about promoting the general welfare. Suzy's general welfare has been ignored. War, poverty, jail, premature demise, and drugs have all but robbed her of an opportunity to find a suitable mate. It's simple people. If you're hungry and have absolutely nothing to eat, and you look over into your neighbors window and he's chowing down on a porterhouse steak the size of your rear-end, you're probably going to wait until he leaves and sneak off into his house and snag one from his freezer. I know you're thinking No I wouldn't! If your choices were either snag the steak or starve, you'll snag!

Suzy's dilemma is no different. Nature is telling her she needs to hook up, but society hasn't provided her with an alternative to the shortage of suitors, so she does exactly what she's supposed to do, get one that belongs to someone else. I know it sounds immoral but societies have to address these situations and I'm sorry but a male dearth exists right now. I'm not saying this because I'm trying to convince people to accept my beliefs, I'm simply stating facts. Look, if every woman in America wants her own man to herself, and there are enough men to go around, why are people still cheating? It's not an issue of character-it's about availability. If there's a chicken in every pot (or a porterhouse steak) what's my reasoning for taking yours again? There wouldn't be one. The fact is, and has been for quite some time, there aren't enough men to go around-AND ESPECIALLY IN THE AFRO-COMMUNITY. So in order to address the infidelity, the breaking up of families, the lying and deceit, what are you to do. Every intelligent society has addressed this issue. They ask themselves, "Knowing that men die before women, and that there is a possibility that there will be a shortage of men, how do we address this problem? And if we don't address this problem, what are the ramifications? The answer to both of those questions is simple. But I'll answer them out of sequence. If you don't address this issue, you'll have more women turning to prostitution to support themselves-because not everyone can go to Harvard, not everyone has the opportunity to work for themselves and earn a decent living. Some people are just going to need a support system.

Prostitution erodes a society. Especially if it is criminalized. I guarantee you if polygamy was allowed in our society, you would see a significant decline in prostitution. Why would a man feel the need to see a prostitute if he has more than one wife? Secondly, children wouldn't have the problem of broken homes. That's not to say that they would go away, just that there would be less. Finally, we would have a stronger gene pool. Only those males who could provide and who were selected would be able to participate. If you were a bum, you couldn't get one wife much less two. Stupid people would cease to reproduce and we'd have stronger society.

And if you've read this far, I think we can agree that I've already answered the first question. I know there are those of you whose minds are ablaze now. How could he propose such a thing? Simple, it's out of necessity. Think about it from an intellectual position and not an emotional one and you'll have no choice but to arrive at the same conclusion.

"Nuff said.

I am Black I


DJ Diva said...

As one who was in a polygamist relationship while part of the Hebrew Israelites...I must say the reasoning sounds good...I don't disagree with Polygamy either...but there must clear rules and consenting partners...I wasn't one and there weren't any...unless you include the ones they followed from the Bible.

I used to be a cheater...and I used to think it would be impossible for a man to be monogamous...but I believe it really depends on the man...and if one woman is enough...then that's the man I need....I'm glad I have one...and that he finds me more than enough....

The Prince of Know Where? said...

dj diva I have no doubt that you would be more than enough for even a hound like me! You've got the mindset that many women could benefit from. You manage to separate your emotion from the subject and look at it objectively-I applaud you!