Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Own Private Armeggedon

In some ways, this is a reprint. I wrote about this subject in another blog, but I thought it needed revisiting. Our interpretation of the Bible might be a bit off. I'll give you an example of how that could happen. When I was a kid, they used to have this comic strip that featured two nude children (kind of sick when you think of it) with a caption over their heads that read, Love Is... and at the bottom there was some, what I considered, silly saying. Once I read one that read, Love Is....never having to say you're sorry. As a 11 year old, I interpreted it to mean that you could do anything you wanted to someone that you love and never have to say you're sorry. Now mind you, I'm a relatively intelligent individual, but I somehow f**cked that one up. I walked around for the better part of the day thinking how great this LOVE thing is, until I mentioned it to my relatively intelligent older sister, and she called me an idiot and put things into their proper persepective.

Now I just admitted to you how ridiculously naiive I was about the meaning of that saying-imagine how many people misinterpret things that are written, stated, displayed or reenacted but don't say anything, because in their minds, they've fully comprehended what the intended message was. Take that concept and apply it to the Bible, and armeggedon.

We are under the impression that the entire world, at one time, will be engulfed in this chaos. But what if armeggedon was going on right under our nose, and just because it hasn't arrived on our doorsteps yet, we are completely unaware? Is that a possibility?

Take into consideration that tragedy that occurred in Rwanda some years ago. Think about the horror that those people went through. Isn't that an example of what is mentioned about armeggedon? Think about it. How is that not the ultimate in tragedy and horror for the people who suffered through it? What about the Cambodians in the days of Pol Pot? Millions of people were exterminated. Isn't that their own private armeggedon?

I could go on for days recounting human tragedy after human tragedy. East Timor, Somalia, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki-perhaps we've been living through armeggedon all along. Maybe it's happening now, but the only reason we are allowing it to continue is because our impression of it is something entirely different. We think it will be a global occurrence. Perhaps we're wrong. Perhaps armeggedon will occur one region at a time. Maybe evil lacks the ability to do it's thing all at once so it acts like a swarm of locust, descending upon an area, wreaking havoc, and moving on to the next region. All the while, we sit complacently because surely this isn't how we envisioned it would happen. How many times have we had an idea about how something would occur and when it finally took place we said, "Oh I thought that it would be entirely different."? Often times our visions don't align with reality.

I don't know for certain that we are living in the end days or not, but what I do know is this-we can't destroy this world. We are fooling ourselves if we believe that. What we can do is make it uninhabitable for most of the life forms that are here, but this planet will continue to be here whether we're on it or not. Most of us refuse to be even slightly inconvenienced to make a stand and do something about what's taking place. By the time we decide to do something, the tradedy will be upon us and by then it will be too late.

Make no mistake about it, one day the tragedies that have visited the rest of the world will find their way here. And we will experience the death and destruction that has so plagued the rest of the world. Was it ever avoidable? Was it the inevitable? Yes and no. Yes it's avoidable, and no it isn't the inevitable. But things, I believe have gone too far, and while we watch casually as the rest of the world struggles with horror after horror, we can take comfort in the fact that when genocide comes knocking on our door, we saw it coming yet chose to do nothing and we can blame no one but ourselves.


The Flavor of Love

I believe that there are only few of you who've not heard of Flavor Flav, formerly of Public Enemy fame, but now a reality TV star in his own right. He has the hit television show, The Flavor of Love which is now airing its second season. Flav, whose real name is William Drayton, is the clownish buffoon that most black people shy away from, but white America embraces as an acceptable portrayal of black males. But aside from the political aspect of the subject, Flav has managed to extend the proverbial 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol so graciously granted us.

Even within the group Public Enemy, Flavor managed to create a stir. Professor Griff, the militant minister of information for the group, was rumored to despise Flav, claiming that he was exactly how white Americans wanted to see black males. Flavor, on the other hand, ignored Griff and anyone else and continued being Flav.

But now that I've extolled his genius, I have to admit that he's probably not the most attractive male on TV, and it's quite possible that he's the most unattractive (possibly his intention) male spotlighted since Lyle Lovett. If in fact this it true, then why is it that women are flocking to The Flavor of Love in record numbers to be fondled, groped, kissed and in some instances, humiliated by this person? Now I won't make the mistake I've made in the past and make this a blanket indictment on all women, but in this day and age of women's advancement, doesn't this set them back ever so slightly? They cry, fight, and back stab one another, all vying for Flav's attention. I know that a behavioral comparison can be drawn between Flav's show and other reality successes like Big Brother and Survivor but the biggest difference is Flavor isn't the grand prix on those other shows.

I have to admit that I was going to really make a big stink about women's behavior but I decided that I wasn't going to do that type of journalism any longer. The truth is, men, including myself, need to look at themselves and fix ourselves instead of remaining stagnant and condemning women. But I do need to mention that you have to question a woman who would exhibit so much false emotion just to best one another. Make no mistake about it, Flavor isn't really the prize. The true prize is defeating fellow contestants. Flavor just happens to be the judge, jury, and executioner in this contest. Any fool knows that you appeal to the judges. And one thing most women know how to do with precision is appeal to authority. As a military police officer, I was often treated to accidental slips of blouses exposing more breast than was allowed shown in public. There were the comments about my attractiveness. I know I'm not Flavor Flav, but I'm no Shamar Moore either-so cut the crap.

Watching these women do what they do so naturally leads me to this conclusion. If a man wants peace, he needs at least 3 women in his life at all times-and they all know about one another. Look at the peace that Flavor enjoys. If he needs one, he calls them up from his stable, wines and dines them, and then sends them back amongst the pack. They all vie for his attention and while they wail and gnash teeth amongst one another, they charm and delight him with their best behavior. And the beauty about the entire arrangement is the fear that the other competitor will grab all the glory keeps them all firmly planted in their places. Now don't get me wrong, I know that the lure of attaining their 15 minutes of fame is more responsible for them remaining than the competition, but one thing that is undeniable is the fact that after a couple of days those cameras disappear and those women begin doing what they do naturally. These aren't actors, and I'm not even sure that an actress could remain in character as long as these women are being taped. They ultimately resort back to who they really are and they make no attempts to get in the way of their true selves.

I guess one could draw several thousands of conclusions about the show, but this is the one that I've drawn. And given my past, I don't think anyone would really be surprised-are you?


Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Corruption of Absolute Power

Yesterday I had a meeting with the club promoters that run the venue that my band now performs at. I was about 30 minutes early and grabbed The African Connection, a free newspaper that was outside Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles. Flipping through, I came to an article about a prison guard at a juvenile facility who was accused of favors for sex. As I read through the article, I realized that the guard was a woman. She had had sex with two juveniles in exchange for food and candy. At first I didn't think much of it, but then it began to dawn on me that this isn't the only case of an older woman, in a position of authority who has abused that power to manipulate young boys into sexual situations.

In fact, the very first real life situation that I've ever knew about was a teacher at my Jr. high school and a boy that was about 13 years old. She was a very attractive typing teacher and he was an underprivileged Mexican boy. He was always in her classroom and for a moment, I thought that perhaps she was adopting him. Even after he went to high school, he would always periodically visit. And he even began to drive her silver corvette. We never really suspected anything because in our minds, the thought of such a beautiful woman taking interest in someone our age was so far-fetched and preposterous, we couldn't even entertain the thought. Perhaps there were those that could; I for one just couldn't buy it.

Fast forward about 20 years. I'm watching KCAL 9 news and the news anchor is talking about a teacher who was arrested for child molestation-no big deal right? I'm mean how many times have we heard this story? And then he (the news anchor) states the she's female (a bit more interesting now), and that this all took place in the city that I grew up in, (now they've got my full attention). They mentioned the teacher's name and said that several boys came forward and accused her of attempting to have sex with them and she even offered the use of her car in exchange. I was shocked-it was then that I realized that the young Mexican boy was (voluntarily mind you) the victim of molestation.

We've all heard the story of Mary Kay Letourneau, the woman that had two children with her underage student. And that beautiful woman in Florida, Debra Lafave, who was having an affair behind her husband's back with one of her underage students. This was once the arena that males dominated but now, with women assuming more positions of power, we are beginning to see that the phenomena isn't just about males. I too was shocked and aghast when I found out that my jr. high school teacher was f**king a boy around my age. I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to have sex with a minor. I mean, yeah, I did...WHEN I WAS A MINOR!!! But as an adult, I simply have no attraction for anyone under 21-actually, I really don't have much of an attraction for anyone under 27 or 28. If a woman even mentions that she's under 27, my eyes glaze over and I begin to think about what's on my agenda for tomorrow.

I guess the point of this entry is to illustrate how for so many years, men were rightfully vilified for abusing their position power and taking advantage of innocent females in lesser positions. If it wasn't the teacher/student situation, it was the stepfather/stepdaughter, or the adopted father/adopted daughter (Woody Allen anyone?). And this was the part of the argument that the feminist members of the National Organization of Women (NOW) used religiously to fight for women's rights. Now that women are in more powerful and influential positions, we are seeing some of the same predatory behavior. I think it's safe to assume that we have human behaviors and the only thing that keeps certain individuals from committing certain crimes is often circumstances. There are plenty of both men and women who are in positions of power and never abuse others. Plenty of step parents who never molest-plenty of teachers that don't attempt to do harm to their students-both male and female. And yes there are those that do. But it never was a gender issue, it was an issue of character. And sadly what we are discovering is that while NOW was riding on the back of this issue to gain prominence, it's the very same issue that has basically come back to illustrate that, although we are different in our physiological make-up, we are both still prone to have character flaws the lead us down paths of wrongdoing. It isn't a male thing or a female thing, it's a human thing.

I bet you older cultures like the Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans wouldn't even blink an eye when it comes to this subject. They know that women and men are both capable of committing any crime that's on the books. Women may not be able to forcibly commit rape, but through coercion, they are certainly capable of committing statutory rape. And as I mentioned before, it's circumstantial-the only reason they can't forcibly rape someone is that physically they are the weaker sex. If women were physically stronger than men, they would undoubtedly rape. I've heard stories of lesbians forcing sex upon women. I've even seen a lesbian get rejected over and over by the same woman as she continued to exhibit what I would deem inherently male aggressive behavior. I couldn't help thinking, "If that was me being so aggressive, I would've been accused of attempted rape,"

In closing, I guess I'm just hoping that we all realize that men are no more monsters than anyone else, and that both sexes are capable of doing some very ugly things. Remember Susan Smith, the woman who drowned her two boys because she thought that some guy wouldn't marry her if they were still alive? And somehow they almost managed to blame that on a man. And so as not to seem biased, there is a ongoing case here in California about a man who tossed his daughter off a cliff so the he wouldn't have to pay child support. Man, I would like to be the one that pulls the switch on this f**king bastard. How could you do such a thing to your own child? That innocent girl was supposed to receive protection from this lower life form. If that isn't the ultimate betrayal of both your male and paternal duties, I don't know what is. I hope he fries.

I am Black I

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Call Me Old Testament

I've never revealed this in my new blog because it was one of the reasons that I was viciously attacked in my last blog-I don't believe in monogamy. Yes, I'm married, but I'm not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, monogamous. I've accepted that fact about myself, my wife has accepted it about me, and I don't see why others wouldn't just let 2 (or soon to be 3) consenting adults be who they are without scrutiny. Personally, I'm just old testament. It's in me. I'm no different than Solomon, Abraham, or David. Well there's a slight difference, I'm not a king...I'm a Prince....of Know Where? Seriously, I received so much hate mail-like I was molesting children or something. No-I'm molesting grown consenting women, and if you have a problem with that, you need to check your motives for lambasting me.

The good thing about polygamy is that there's one less woman on the street trying to get your man. We know that there are more women in the world than men. Not to mention the fact that men die earlier, plus wars deplete the supply; jail and drugs; poverty. What are these women supposed to do, go without male companionship? We seriously need to reevaluate our social beliefs. What kills me is when the Bush supporting, right-wing, christian (sic) moral-majority decide that war is good-they don't look at the end result of war. Men come back unsuitable (if they come back at all) for stable relationships. War corrodes and contaminates the mind and spirit. When you are forced to commit atrocities that conflict with the human spirit, it's hard to come back to a society that knows absolutely nothing about what you've gone through and what you've seen. You almost become envious of those around you because you've seen a world that the majority of us never even knew existed. Yeah, we hear about it, but we don't live it. So the christian right, moral-majority don't mind war and the killing and maiming of soldiers (both foreign and domestic) but when it creates a dearth of available males for the women in your population, you don't have a solution for this problem. You'd rather just ignore it, or accept as a necessary evil that single women will entice an attached or married man to creep. And when he gets caught, you vilify him as an infidel. What's poor Suzy down at the plant supposed to do? The recruiters have swept through and tricked most of her contemporaries into enlisting into combat, the ones that do come back aren't suitable-but there's the stable and married manager, Bill in manufacturing. Suzy needs a man and society has failed to provide her with one.

So what does she do? Entices Bill into an affair. I know, I know, Bill's supposed to be strong-he took vows, remember? But that was 10 years ago and Suzy's mini-skirt with the split up to her collar bone is standing right before him and his mind simply cannot function properly. Nature immediately steps in and says, "Now Bill, the only reason you are here is to procreate, NOW GET TO PROCREATING!! Brother Bill falls victim to his own nature (according to society) and now his caught in a trap. He loves Wendy, his loving wife, but there's no getting around the fact that Suzy needs love too! And where is she supposed to find it. Society has not provided for her. The preamble of the constitution specifically speaks about promoting the general welfare. Suzy's general welfare has been ignored. War, poverty, jail, premature demise, and drugs have all but robbed her of an opportunity to find a suitable mate. It's simple people. If you're hungry and have absolutely nothing to eat, and you look over into your neighbors window and he's chowing down on a porterhouse steak the size of your rear-end, you're probably going to wait until he leaves and sneak off into his house and snag one from his freezer. I know you're thinking No I wouldn't! If your choices were either snag the steak or starve, you'll snag!

Suzy's dilemma is no different. Nature is telling her she needs to hook up, but society hasn't provided her with an alternative to the shortage of suitors, so she does exactly what she's supposed to do, get one that belongs to someone else. I know it sounds immoral but societies have to address these situations and I'm sorry but a male dearth exists right now. I'm not saying this because I'm trying to convince people to accept my beliefs, I'm simply stating facts. Look, if every woman in America wants her own man to herself, and there are enough men to go around, why are people still cheating? It's not an issue of character-it's about availability. If there's a chicken in every pot (or a porterhouse steak) what's my reasoning for taking yours again? There wouldn't be one. The fact is, and has been for quite some time, there aren't enough men to go around-AND ESPECIALLY IN THE AFRO-COMMUNITY. So in order to address the infidelity, the breaking up of families, the lying and deceit, what are you to do. Every intelligent society has addressed this issue. They ask themselves, "Knowing that men die before women, and that there is a possibility that there will be a shortage of men, how do we address this problem? And if we don't address this problem, what are the ramifications? The answer to both of those questions is simple. But I'll answer them out of sequence. If you don't address this issue, you'll have more women turning to prostitution to support themselves-because not everyone can go to Harvard, not everyone has the opportunity to work for themselves and earn a decent living. Some people are just going to need a support system.

Prostitution erodes a society. Especially if it is criminalized. I guarantee you if polygamy was allowed in our society, you would see a significant decline in prostitution. Why would a man feel the need to see a prostitute if he has more than one wife? Secondly, children wouldn't have the problem of broken homes. That's not to say that they would go away, just that there would be less. Finally, we would have a stronger gene pool. Only those males who could provide and who were selected would be able to participate. If you were a bum, you couldn't get one wife much less two. Stupid people would cease to reproduce and we'd have stronger society.

And if you've read this far, I think we can agree that I've already answered the first question. I know there are those of you whose minds are ablaze now. How could he propose such a thing? Simple, it's out of necessity. Think about it from an intellectual position and not an emotional one and you'll have no choice but to arrive at the same conclusion.

"Nuff said.

I am Black I

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blacks & Koreans Unite (sort of)

I was reading an article on the Black Electorate and came across an interview with a gentleman named Aron Ranen who did a documentary on the black hair care industry and how it is dominated by Koreans (click here to read). In reality, not a new story, just a new industry. It's pretty much what we blacks do with anything we're involved with-sports and entertainment? We do all the work, someone reaps all the benefit. I don't know how many artist have had their life blood sucked out of them by some corporate exec only to die penny-less while the exec is still wealthy and sucking the blood from the next victim. I don't blame the leach, I blame the host. Why do we who know better keep offering up our babies to this blood sucking machine? Oh, I know why, deep down inside, all we want to do is shine, bling. Yeah, my son plays for the Laker's and bought me this house! That's cool, but when he gets injured or his career is over, who's left holding most of the profit? Not the athlete. I've met some destitute athletes with superbowl rings and nothing else. When the river was flowing, they were the hot commodity, the moment they stopped making 16 solo tackles a game, or averaging 3 touchdowns a game or scoring 30 points a night, it's over.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't allow our children to do these things, I just believe that we should own it. It pains me when I hear people complain about the lack of black coaches in sports. A coaching job is just that, a job. We need to stop complaining about getting concessions and put ourselves in the position to own the whole damn enchilada. It's not as if their isn't a market for it. First of all, all of the entertainment that America exports is predominately black. Hip-hop music? HUGE internationally. Black athletes? HUGH internationally. Obviously they don't give a damn about skin color. Instead of getting to those market through American companies, we should go directly to the source. We need to stop being nationalist and get back to what Kwame Toure' and some of the other Pan-Africanist were talking about. We'll never get a fair shake unless we begin to control every aspect of the industries we dominate. And their is absolutely nothing anti-American about speaking this way. It is no more anti-American than 99% of the products Wal-mart sells coming from China. No one calls them anti-American. No more anti-American than good ole' AMERICAN EXPRESS itself leading the way in globalization by having its customer service in India. See how that works? Get your hands on an arsenal of nuclear weapons and you get a place at the table (referring to India).

All of the aforementioned I can relate to, but the black hair care industry? We nigga's done gone and lost our mind! How the hell you have a product that is purchased by you exclusively and you have less than 1% controlling interest? Most of these Korean-owned stores are RIGHT IN OUR VERY OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! How the hell does this happen?

I think I have an answer to this question. We as a group have a child-like mentality. I volunteered once to live in the hood. And I'm talking da hood! I could have stayed in upper-middle class Orange County (SoCal), but I moved to San Bernardino (if you ask me why, I'll plead temporary insanity). While I was interning in the hood, the main question I heard from our people was Man, they see how bad it is here, why won't they do something? They spend all that money to help other countries but they won't help us. I never really had an answer for that question because I could never get passed the one that loomed in my head, Why won't you do something for yourself? When did the government EVER do anything for the black people of this country. Kanye said that Bush don't like black people....DUH!!!! No Kidding?? Really???!!! You don't say??!!! Everything they've EVER done for us set us back. Welfare? Made us extremely dependent. Allowing drugs to be brought into this country and sold on the streets of our communities? Fostered dependency. Allowing us to intergrate? Fostered low self-esteem because some of us were bussed to places that did nothing more than to highlight our lack of material wealth. And don't get me started on the religion they gave us. Nothing has paralyzed us more as a people than Christianity. I'm sorry people, turning the other cheek is what you do to people that love you-not to your sworn enemy. We got it backwards, if our brother offends us, we gun him down in a drive-by. Our government allows us to suffer and we just turn the other cheek. The only reason I turn my cheek to my enemy is to gather up momentum to swing back around and slap the shit out of him.

Jesus didn't even stand for the shit that we put up with. He was the one that tossed the Jews out of the church for peddling their wares in the Lord's house. That shit cost him his life too. In the immortal words of the late comdedian Richard Pryor, You don't go down there messing with them Jews without any money!

The bottom line is, we're going to have to start doing away with creature comforts in order to change this shit. We need to stop buying hair care products from the Koreans. Not because I don't like them. Quite the contrary, I admire them and we could learn something from them. We should strive to emulate them. But we also need to start opening up our own stores right next to theirs and as a people start buying from ourselves. We are like babies! A baby can't even wipe it's own ass, it has to depend on someone else to change it's soiled diaper. And if white folks decided that no more toilet paper would be sold in our communities, we wouldn't be able to wipe our own asses because we don't even manufacturer, distribute, or sell the bare essential to wipe our own asses. Now people, that is SAD. Our fate is inextricably tied to a nation that doesn't even care for us! If America falls, the Jews have a place to go-Mexicans can just reverse migrate back across the border. Italians, back to the boot. African-Americans? Most of us don't even know an African much less know one that would accept or help us in a time of need. Katrina should have been our wake-up call. When our people are in need, we should be in a position to not only help them, but pressure this government to do the same. We pay tax dollars just like everyone else, but we couldn't even get them to help our people! We are like children. But I will tell you this people: America is looking for the next black messiah. No, this is true. Reason being, they've been living off of us for CENTURIES. The Korean hair-care debacle is just one chapter in this never ending saga. $750 BILLION COMES THROUGH OUR COMMUNITY ANNUALLY. Not my statistic, read Entrepenuer magazine, the June 2006 edition. we need to first of all become aware of the fact that we have economic power, and we need to parlay that into political power.

I know this is a long post, but please, let's start today trying to help ourselves out of this mess. Aron Ranen is a white guy, and even white people are trying to tell us to wake the fuck up. PLEASE PEOPLE... Let's do something before it's too late. I also want to implore you all to reach out to Africa. I am sponsoring an African student right now. It costs me $20 a month and it pays for his books and living expenses. JUST $20 A MONTH. If we help our people there, they may come here and help us out of our mess.



Tuesday, August 01, 2006

She Watch Channel Zero

Recently, my boss hired a 400lb Ox as a customer service rep in our office. OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, she isn't 400lbs and she isn't an Ox. She's more like 230lbs and I like to call her (behind her back) Mimi (like the fat character from The Drew Carey Show. Mimi was hired (much to my chagrin) by my boss and she hasn't been working for us 3 weeks and she's managed to lie about a girl who has worked with us for almost 6 months (let's call her Dara), accusing her of saying that my boss wasn't sure if he was going to keep Mimi. Mimi said that the other girl told her that she hated working in our office that it was boring. Now mind you, Mimi expressed interest in taking over Dara's position working our trade shows.

When this was first explained to me, I was really unnerved. I've known Dara for a few months and we've worked all the trade shows together, hit a few bars in Las Vegas together and hung out and chatted. I admit that I kind of liked her when I first met her because she's stunningly beautiful, but when she opened her 24 USC educated mouth, I knew that there was no way we could bridge the age gap; we can talk surface stuff but she lacks the experience carry on a deep and involved conversation. Anyway, I decided to ask Dara and she said that she said no such a thing. She and I had a brief conversation about the matter and I discussed it with my boss. He then told me that it wouldn't be long before Mimi came after me. I nodded my head in agreement because I was two thoughts ahead of him.

A couple of days later, Mimi and I were in the office together and she made a comment about men being stupid. I then responded that men actually make your life easier. Men offer protection. Who's going to protect you when a burgurlar is climbing through your window? 911? Call them and see how much shit a burglar can do to you before they get there. I explained to her that men make her life easier, and proceeded to tell her how women have fucked up our economy by entering the workplace only to now want to return home and call themselves SAHM's, (Stay At Home Moms). YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING BEEN AFHM's, (Away From Home Moms) IN THE FIRST GODDAMNED PLACE. They've basically ruined a generation of children by trying to compete with men in the workplace.

Anyway, Mimi didn't like this (and rightfully so-the truth given straight, no chaser, can sometimes be a bit harsh), but she continued on and we got on the subject of marriage. She called her live-in stud (not my words, Dr. Laura Schlesinger's), her husband, and I chimed in, "You're married?" And she responded "Well not officially, but we practically are." And I said, "No, you're not. Married is when you go before a judge or a man of the cloth and exchange vows, if you haven't done that, you're just shacking up." Okay, I have to tell you why this was all so ridiculously stupid on my part-I'm a VP and own a teeny percentage (2%) of the company-she's also my direct report. BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART. Anyway Mimi continued to argue that she was married and I continued to refer her back to Webster's definition of marriage, to which she replied, "I don't subscribe to any Webster's definition." This should have been a sure fire sign that I was arguing with someone who didn't qualify as an intelligent being, but like an idiot, I plodded forward and explained to her that you can trace the decline of any great civilization to it's lack of respect language and education. Words don't mean anything unless that we agree on their meaning and they continue to maintain that meaning into perpetuity. "You can't make up your own definitions of socially accepted standards, I tried to explain to Mimi. I asked her "What if someone decided that killing you wasn't considered murder anymore." She rather blatantly explained to me that that was an extreme. And I explained to her that if we begin to compromise definitions, that is ultimately where we'll end up.

This went on for about 5 minutes and Mimi finally decided to shut up. The next morning I arrived to work and opened the office door (like I do every morning), except Mimi was standing with some sloppy guy in shorts and flip-flops. We just hired a new guy and, although I'd met him briefly, I thought that this was he. Turns out it was Mimi's boyfriend. She introduced us, we walked into the office and I went thru my ritual of turning on lights, the AC, the radio (which plays 94.7 the WAVE all goddamned day), and heating up some water in the coffee pot my mother gave me for my oatmeal. I went to my desk and Mimi was putting stuff in a bag. I asked if she was leaving and she said "I'm not happy here." I thought to myself, "Okay," and continued doing what I was doing. I figure if you aren't happy, by all means go someplace you are. I didn't like that fat bitch anyway so I was delighted. It didn't dawn on my that I could be the cause. My boss had actually yelled at her the day before so I thought maybe that was her reason for wanting to leave.

Anyway, my boss came in and I called him and told him he needed to come out, Mimi was leaving. He asked me why, and I told him I didn't know. He asked her what was wrong, and people...........this cow broke out in tears like a baby "I'M JUST NOT HAPPY HERE!!! BOOHOOOHOOOHOOOHOOOHOOO. People, I am not exaggerating. And then she ran to the conference room. They were in there for about 20 minutes and she came out all happy and I was like "Damn, I thought her fat ass was leaving."

At the end of the day my boss called me into his office and explained to me that the conversation Mimi and I had the day before was why she wanted to leave. I tried to explain that she'd opened the door but he retorted "You're an officer of the company and a partial owner, I expect more from you." And he was right.

So we fast forward to yesterday, Mimi's flying high because she's dug her heels in and feels that she's uprooted the old Lion. My boss was out all day Monday and left me in charge. Mimi decided to show up 10 minutes late. While answering an inquiry from her I mentioned that people that she counsels about punctuality (yes, my boss put this whale in charge of an employee that she rides like a shetland pony), won't respect her if she didn't show up on time. That's all I said. This bitch wrote me back about a paragraph about how we all got shit we need to work on and that I need to worry about me, and that she doesn't need to be micromanaged. I chose not to respond to the email, I explained it to my boss and he had the nerve to tell me I shouldn't have said anything to her. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND. Who is this bitch? Queen of nourishment? Oh so now she's untouchable. He counsel me on his instructions not to say anything to her.

When he called me for one of our evening end of day summaries, I let him have it. I told him either he does something about her or I will. He explained to me that he didn't care how she behaved, as long as she got her work done. WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE IS THIS?? She can run her mouth off to me like I'm the janitor, but If I say one thing to her, I'm admonished? Not in this lifetime. Went around for about 20 minutes and I told him that by morning I would come up with a solution to this problem for him.

I wrote him an email and explained that he was to keep his lapdog away from me. She was not to speak to me nor ask for my assistance. She needed to figure out on her own what needed to be done. If she had something to say to me, she needed to go through him, don't talk to me directly. I told him I didn't want her near me. I also explained that if she showed up late, I would write her ass up just like I did everybody else. And if she didn't like it, she can go work elsewhere. And if he wanted to fire me for doing my job, go right ahead.

There was something else that he did. Her 1st week she asked him how much I made. He told me that he told her that she and I made the same amount of money. WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! What the fuck is that? Our employee manual clearly states that you can be terminated for discussing salary and compensation. Basically what he did was to render me ineffective as a manager. If we make the same amount of money, what's the use of titles?

The bottom line is Mimi and I just aren't going to get along. I'm handsome, attractive, and people like me-and well, she's rude, obnoxious and fucking with the wrong negro. She'll find herself locked into a battle that might shorten her career. In fact I am looking for her replacement as we speak. So if you know of anyone out there that is interested in a challenging career where you don't have to dodge bullets, I have just the job for you!

I am Black I